Sunday, November 23, 2008

Choosing a Digital Projector

Choosing a Digital Projector
By Luke Kent

There are tons of digital projectors available and they are constantly dropping in price. However, when choosing a projectorfor yourself or your school there are a few practical things you should remember.

When choosing a projector you need to consider under whatcircumstances will you be presenting slide shows. The strength ofa projector's brightness is measured in units called lumens. Projectors range between 650-5000 lumens. The higher the lumensthe brighter the projector. Projectors that are less than 1000 lumens may not be great in a room with a lot of ambient light.For a classroom you should consider buying a projector with greater than 1000 lumens. If the projector will be used forlarger presentations, for 100 or more people, a projector withgreater than 3000 lumens may be needed.

A great accessory to your projector is a wireless mouse. Thesehave dropped considerably in price and allow the educator toface their audience when presenting the slide show. Whenchoosing a wireless mouse choose one that has a long rangeso that you can walk around when presenting.

Many projectors also come with remotes that help the presentermake adjustments to the slide shows quickly during the presentationwithout having to fiddle with the projector.

Remember when buying a projector analyze you needs first. You maynot need to spend as much as you think or you may need to spendthe extra cash to get a projector that suits your needs.

For more product reviews and teaching tips visit our site below.

Mr. L. Kent is an experienced educator and the lead consultant of http://MrKent.Net - Education Technology Made Simple. Feel free to visit the site and/or subscribe to our fantastic monthly newsletter at .

Luke Kent provides assistance to other educators by offering his interesting seminar, Teaching with Technology: A Fun Workshop for Technology Challenged Teachers. To book a seminar or a consultation visit http://MrKent.Net .

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